Monday, February 16, 2009

Not clipping my Qs..

the day I get them means I end up with hours of clipping 2 weeks later. O_O

I have been cleaning up my Qs again, and clipping the inserts from the 1st. I'm still not totally done either. Ugh. Not to mention that I have a crazy amount of IPs. I've got 4 card holder sheets left and I took out makeup, and other beauty Qs, as well as most new medicine Qs. I need to go buy more but I can only find the sheets at Office Max and it's like $3 for 10 sheets. I don't think I have much choice in the matter unless I want to carry around ziploc baggies in addition to my binder.


Saving Sherry said...

I've bought the card holders at Wal-Mart and Target. They hide them at Wal-Mart by putting them in a check-out lane with the baseball cards (who on earth looks at a check-out line to find baseball cards?). They are WAY cheaper there.

Jennifer said...

Oh thank you for that tip! I never even though to look there. Just much fruitless searching in the office area. >_<