Sunday, January 4, 2009

Year to Date Savings

Yes I am well aware that we are only 4 days into the new year, but I feel the need to chronicle this. I have it on a spreadsheet, but that's not good enough. ;)

CVS Card #1

OOP - $6.68
YTD Savings - $319.98

CVS Card #2

OOP - $3.24
YTD Savings - $234.34


OOP - $9.92
Savings - $554.32

Not too bad for 4 days in huh? :D


Alana Jo said...

Nope. Not too bad at all.

The Proverbs Wife said...

Look at you.... I headed to a new CVS today since it was close t where I would be in town and I must say that it was the worst stocked CVS that I've ever visited.

They had none of the double pak. items on the shelves like Soy Joy, Kotex and Ziploc.

They had no ECB items to speak of aside from fructis and Colgate. To top it all off they only had a handful of carts. Literally. Like 5 for the entire store. What a wasted trip.

I'm so glad to here that you have been racking up the savings.

Jennifer said...

Luckily there's a lot of CVS's in a small area here. I also hit up my 24-hour store right at midnight. I actually get there a little earlier so I have time to get everything and then work on my scenario if I need to.

Tonya said...

That is absolutely AWESOME!How on earth?lol