Thursday, January 1, 2009

Shopping Habit Changes

I'll admit it right now...

I'm a label snob.

I will buy the $2 Sara Lee bread over the 88c store brand. I mean there is a noticeable difference in texture, but it's not like I can't just suck it up and save us $1.22 a loaf. There are some things I cannot bring myself to sway on. I must have milk and butter made without rbST. Luckily that is easy to come by. I also get canned veggies that have no added salt. So I do pay a little more for that. I need to change my ways on more things when possible though.

CVS is giving me the ability to cheaply supply my family with almost all the beauty and household supplies we need. I spend a fraction of what I would if I were to purchase everything at Wal-Mart. My CVS spending and news paper purchases will be coming out of my grocery money now, so I need to save where I can.

I went to Wal-Mart this morning and got eggs, bread, hot dog buns,and a pack of turkey hot dogs. I spent under $5. Normally it would have been $2 for eggs, $2 for bread, 88c for buns, and $3.50 for hot dogs. So that was more than $3 I saved right off the bat.

Sales and Store Brands. It will be my new shopping mantra.